We pride ourselves on being flexible to our client’s busy lives and schedules and can communicate regarding your taxes in a variety of ways. While it’s certainly possible to handle every aspect of your taxes electronically and over the phone, we are always glad to meet face-to-face. That said, we happily accommodate just about every variation on communication with our clients. Some of them we’ve only ever spoken to over the phone, while others want to meet face-to-face. Still others operate almost exclusively digitally, while many others send us everything via regular mail or even hand-deliver their documents. We’ve also met with clients at their own homes and offices.
For meetings outside of Marin we use a company called Sandbox Suites (http://www.sandboxsuites.com/) that gives us hourly access to private conference rooms at 5 locations around the Bay Area.
For a list of needed documents click on the “Documents and Checklist” tab.